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Logo Grupo Quiñenco S.A.

April 9, 2010 – Santiago, Chile.

Quiñenco S.A. reported today that its Board of Directors has proposed a final dividend distribution of Ch$108,780,351,255 equivalent to Ch$95.03972 per share. The proposal will be put forth at the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held at the end of April 2010.

At the Board of Directors’ meeting, which was held on April 8, 2010, the Board proposed that 70.00% of 2009 Net income attributable to parent company shareholders (“2009 liquid net income”) be distributed, composed of:

  • A minimum legal dividend of Ch$46,620,152,173, equivalent to 30.00% of 2009 liquid net income and
  • An additional dividend of Ch$62,160,199,082, equivalent to 40.00% of 2009 liquid net income.

If the final dividend proposal is approved at the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting, it will be payable as of May 11, 2010.