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The Directors' Committee, as defined and regulated by law 18,046 on open stock companies, must be formed by three members, the majority of which must be independent. Matko Koljatic, Carolina García de la Huerta and Hernán Büchi are the current members of the company's Directors' Committee. The Committee meets once a month and its main functions are:
1) to review the independent auditors' reports;
2) to review the financial statements and to issue an opinion on them before their submission to shareholders for approval;
3) to review the remuneration and compensation plans of key managers and officers of the company;
4) to review transactions with related entities and prepare the corresponding reports;
5) to propose the appointment of the independent auditors and risk rating agencies to the Board of Directors, to be proposed at the Shareholders' Meeting, and
6) prepare an annual management report including, if it were the case, the main recommendations to shareholders.