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  • The video conference “Doing Business in Times of Pandemic” will take place this Thursday, July 9th, at 12:00 p.m. with presentations from the CEO of Quiñenco, Francisco Pérez Mackenna, from Chile, and the Corporate Vice-President of Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions for Nexans, Juan Ignacio Eyzaguirre, from France.


July 1, 2020.- The digital conference series organized by Quiñenco aims to connect perspectives, analysis and experiences that can serve to build a better future. The first session, entitled “Doing Business in Times of Pandemic,” will address current economic conditions and the role companies play in a context marked by the COVID-19 global public health crisis.

The online event will take place this Thursday, July 9th at 12:00 p.m., starting with a presentation from Francisco Pérez Mackenna, CEO of Quiñenco, who will analyze the transition the economy is undergoing as well as emerging challenges and opportunities. He will be followed by Juan Ignacio Eyzaguirre, Corporate Vice-President of Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions for Nexans, who will join us from France to share his analysis based on the European experience with reopening and easing lock-down.

The conference will be broadcast live at, a space designed to be a meeting point for ideas in times of social distancing in this complex and challenging global setting.


Francisco Pérez Mackenna has a degree in business administration from Universidad Católica de Chile and an MBA from the University of Chicago. He has been with the Luksic Group since 1991, first as CEO of CCU. He held that position until 1998 when he was appointed to lead Quiñenco. At the event, his presentation is entitled “From the Fear Economy to the Antibody Economy.”

Juan Ignacio Eyzaguirre has a degree in civil engineering from Universidad Católica de Chile and an MBA and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University. Previously he was the Deputy Manager of Development for Quiñenco and CEO of Invexans, and is currently the Corporate Vice-President of Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions for Nexans, based in Paris, where he currently resides. At this time, he will speak on “France and Europe: Experiences with Reopening.”

The second talk in the series is scheduled for August 6th and will feature Andrea Tokman, Chief Economist at Quiñenco, and Patricio Jottar, CEO of CCU.